Don’t Let Turkey Brain Gobble Your AI Game!
Let me tell you what happened at Starbucks this morning.
I'm standing there (probably ordering something way too complicated, but that's not the point of this story), and I overhear this conversation between two professionals:
"Yeah, I'll catch up on all this AI stuff after the holidays. Right now it's just faster to do things the old way."
And I almost dropped my overbearing coffee order right there. Because this? This is exactly what we need to talk about.
The Holiday Brain Trap
Here's the thing (and I mean the real thing): Your brain is about to play a trick on you that's more elaborate than any holiday magic show.
Think about what happens when you go to the gym in January. (Stay with me here - this is going somewhere good, I promise.)
You walk in, and there's this person who clearly hasn't been there since last New Year's, trying to figure out how to work the elliptical. They're pushing buttons, getting frustrated, and finally they just start walking in place because "at least that's doing something."
That's exactly what's happening with AI right now.
Your brain - that magnificent pattern-recognition machine that's kept our species alive for millennia - is about to do what it does best: take the path of least resistance.
It's going to tell you things like:
"I'll just write this email the old way - it's faster"
"I don't have time to experiment with AI right now"
"Let me just get through these end-of-year tasks the way I know how"
But here's why this is so dangerous (and I mean genuinely dangerous for your career):
While you're taking these "shortcuts," the AI world is moving at warp speed. And I mean WARP speed.
This Week in "Holy Cow, AI Is Moving Fast"
Let me break down three pieces of news that perfectly illustrate why your brain's holiday retreat is happening at exactly the wrong moment:
1. NVIDIA Just Made Sound Go Bananas
NVIDIA dropped something called Fugatto this week (and no, it's not a new coffee drink, though I definitely would've ordered it at Starbucks this morning).
But here's why this is massive:
It can make any sound imaginable (like, literally - want a trumpet that barks? Done.)
It understands and generates sound like humans do
It can transform any audio in ways we've never seen before
That training video that needs to be in 12 languages but sound natural? Easy.
That safety alarm that nobody can hear over the factory floor noise? Now it can cut through perfectly.
Think about that for a second. While some folks are still figuring out basic ChatGPT prompts, we're already at "make my saxophone meow in a French accent."
And if that doesn't blow your mind, I don't know what will.
2. The Gen Z AI Takeover Is Already Here
Google just dropped a survey that should make everyone sit up straight in their ergonomic office chairs:
82% of Gen Z and Millennial leaders are already using AI at work. Not just using it - they're using MULTIPLE AI tools every week.
But here's the really wild part: 98% believe AI will impact their industry within 5 years.
You know what that means? While some of us are saying "I'll figure it out after the holidays," an entire generation is already living in the future.
By the way, if you're reading this thinking "but I'm not Gen Z" - neither am I. But that's exactly why we need to pay attention.
3. The World Economic Forum Just Confirmed What We've Been Saying
The WEF and PwC just released this massive report about implementing AI in companies. And guess what they found out?
It's not about the technology - it's about the people. It's about behavior change. It's about mindset.
(Where have you heard that before? Oh right - EVERYWHERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER.)
Become an AI-ninja with my course, Generative AI for Professionals: A Strategic Framework to Give You an Edge
Why This Matters Right Now (Like, Right This Second)
Let me share another quick story. Last week, I was working with a Fortune 500 company (I won't name names, but think big - like, really big).
Their senior leadership team had this brilliant plan: "We'll roll out AI training in January when everyone's fresh and ready to learn."
I almost fell out of my extremely comfortable executive chair.
Because here's what's actually going to happen between now and January:
People will cement bad habits
They'll convince themselves the "old way" is better
Their brains will build resistance to change
They'll miss out on countless opportunities to innovate
It's like deciding to take a nap while everyone else is running a marathon. Sure, you'll be well-rested, but you'll also be really, really far behind.
What To Do About It (Besides Not Taking That Nap)
Here's your pre-holiday AI survival guide:
1. Catch Your Brain in the Act
When you hear yourself say "I'll just do it the quick way," stop. That's your brain trying to trick you. Call it out. Shame it if you have to. (Just kidding about the shame part. Kind of.)
2. Set Up Future-You For Success
Create some guardrails:
Keep ChatGPT open in a browser tab (yes, even during holiday planning meetings)
Put a post-it on your monitor that says "Did you ask AI?" (I know it sounds simple, but trust me, it works)
Document your best AI workflows now (before your brain convinces you they never existed)
3. Make It a Game
Every time you catch yourself avoiding AI, ask: "What would Gen Z do?"
They'd probably use three different AI tools and finish the task while we're still thinking about it.
This Week's GenAI Power Tip
Here's a little trick I've been using that's saving me hours: When you're stuck on how to approach a problem in ChatGPT, try this prompt:
"Let's approach this like [insert relevant expert]. First, what questions would they ask to understand this better?"
It's like having a whole panel of experts in your pocket. (Much better than having them in your office - trust me, I've tried both.)
The Bottom Line
The holiday slowdown isn't something that happens to you - it's something your brain actively chooses.
The good news? You can choose differently.
The great news? You're already ahead of the game just by reading this. (Yes, even if you skimmed. I saw you. It's fine.)
The slightly stressful news? This stuff isn't slowing down for anyone's holiday plans.
So while everyone else is saying "I'll catch up in January," you can be the one saying "Actually, let me show you something cool..."
(Just maybe wait until after they've had their coffee.)
Stay curious